Art Studio 
& Laboratory  

Classroom in the clouds 

The classroom built on the roof of the gym will serve variably as an art studio and a laboratory for teaching physics, chemistry, and biology. 
In good weather, children will learn outside in the fresh air.

✔️ daylight
✔️ living terraces  
✔️ variability of space 
✔️ durable materials 
✔️ interior and exterior connections


„Open to imagination, creativity, freedom of expression, dialog and joy.“

In our art studio, children are introduced to a variety of art techniques, from drawing and painting to architecture and sculpture. We deepen their interest in art, encouraging them to discover its beauty and meaning. We help them to orient themselves and gain insight. We lead them to discussion, the ability to develop their own attitude towards art and to respect for other points of view. 

In the studio with Happy, I don't perceive time. I just enjoy myself and there's always a lot of beauty that comes out of it.



„I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do and understand.“

At Duhovka, the children experience mainly hands-on activities, completely in line with the Montessori philosophy. Where else should they explore, experience, and discover than in a multifunctional laboratory ... a place where physics, chemistry and biology are combined and where children can see and penetrate the various phenomena and laws of nature. The multifunctional space of the new classroom will provide enough space and the right environment for children to experience joy in natural sciences.

I like the teacher letting us test and figure out how things work.

pupil, 6th grade